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Friday, January 20, 2012


I'd like you to imagine any one thing that you are fond of or like.  Not a person but some thing that you can go to and enjoy.  This thing should be avaliable to you within a short period of time so for example if your thing is your home or one of the items within it, then your enjoyment is only interrupted by the time needed to arrive at your home from where ever you find yourself, barring those occassions when you are traveling far away from home.  Now, if you would only remember this one thing of yours, as I develop this blog day by day or week by week, than it will be a powerful help in arriving at where we truely can go or converge as a group. 

Everybody has likes and dislikes.  Everyone can probably determine what it is that they most like to do or see or hear or even smell.  In fact, when some one of these things is engaged than more often than not some pleasant memory is triggered.  What is happening is that some important components of your essence are converging and your mind enjoys the ride to this plesant place you are taken to.  Now, just settle down and think of what you like that refocuses your person to converge on the plesant part of your life experiences.